FN ® - The World's Most Battle-Proven Firearms.™

Thank you for your interest in FN Firearms.
Our site is for individuals 18 years of age or older.

Are you 18 years of age or older?


FN Certified Training

The FN® Training Program provides quality, comprehensive instruction on all FN® firearms and Less Lethal products.


14 Hazel Park Lane, Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When is your next class date for the [insert course(s) here]?

A: Training dates are only scheduled by request via the mandatory Agency Training Course Request Online Form.

Q: I do not see any course dates posted. When will the site be updated?

A: Course dates are not posted to the website in advance. Training is scheduled by request only.

Q: How do I complete the online registration?

A: Create an individual or an agency account through the FN website with your work email. This email will receive all order correspondence and course downloads.

Q: I coordinate training for my organization. Do I have to register our personnel individually or in a group?

A: Group registration is preferred. Create an account on behalf of your agency/organization. Be sure to add the desired quantity of seats to the cart before checkout.


Step 1:  Submit the mandatory Agency Training Course Request Online Form.

Step 2:  The FN Training Team will review the request.

Step 3:  The course date is finalized and the requester is notified.

Step 4:  Course date is posted to the website and the requester receives the registration link.

Step 5:  Prospective attendees must create an account through the FN website to complete the online registration.

All courses are conducted in English and all students should be able to understand and speak English adequately. Students not able to understand instructions in English may be asked to withdraw for safety considerations. Courses are offered in other languages by special arrangement.

We are unable to conduct training in the following states: New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, and Louisiana.

Due to ITAR regulations, all attendees must be U.S. citizens. Contact the FN Training Team for more information.

Hotel accommodations, meals and transportation are the responsibility of the student.

Students are advised to wear clothing suitable for indoor and outdoor range use.

Please contact the FN Training Team at Frank.Frink@fnamerica.com for more information on course registration.