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Inspecting the FN 502™ Tactical Manual Safety

FN America, LLC, has become aware that a very limited number of FN 502 Tactical pistols in the field may have an improperly installed manual safety. In these cases, the external safety lever will not function as designed and may result in unintended firing. To ensure the pistol’s safe operation, FN is asking owners of the FN 502 Tactical to suspend use of their pistol and perform a function check to verify the manual safety is operating correctly, following the inspection procedure below.

This safety bulletin applies to FN 502 Tactical pistols with a serial number range lower than LR007999. If your serial number is above this range, it is not subject to this bulletin. This safety bulletin provides instructions on how you may check to see if your FN 502 Tactical is affected. However, if you would like FN to inspect your pistol, please contact FN Customer Service at 1-800-635-1321, ext. 145. You may also take your pistol to your local firearms dealer or gunsmith for inspection.


Before inspecting your FN 502 Tactical, ensure your pistol and magazine are unloaded and that there is no live ammunition in your work area. For more details on safe handling and unloading, please reference your owner’s manual.

Inspection Procedure:

  1. Depress the magazine release to eject the magazine. Remove all ammunition from the magazine and the work area.
  2. With the magazine removed, pull the slide back and lock the slide to the rear by pressing the slide stop up, allowing the slide to rest against the slide stop.
  3. Carefully inspect the chamber both visually and physically to ensure no cartridge is present before continuing to step 4. Do not proceed unless you are certain your pistol is unloaded.
  4. Release the slide by pushing downward on the slide stop or by pulling rearward on the slide to disengage the slide stop and then let the slide move forward under control.
  5. Engage the manual safety and set it to the “SAFE” position (up) as shown in the photo below. Ensure that it is moved all the way into position and remains in place.
  6. With the unloaded pistol pointed in a safe direction, pull the trigger.
If your pistol does not release the hammer with the safety engaged, it is functioning properly, and no more action is required. Safely return your pistol to storage until your next range session.
If your pistol does release the hammer with the safety engaged, the pistol requires service and can cause an unintended firing event that can cause serious injury or death. Please do not re-load or use your pistol. Contact FN immediately for factory service. 


Note: Please do not ship any affected product to FN until FN has generated and sent to you a return label. If the firearm is not affected by this safety bulletin, no action is necessary.

FN is deeply committed to providing customers with the safest, most reliable firearms possible. Patience and cooperation are appreciated as we receive, inspect and service these firearms. We will make every effort to return the product to customers within 14 days.

For questions about the safety bulletin or assistance in returning a firearm, contact the FN customer service team at 1-800-635-1321, ext. 145, or by email at customerservice@fnamerica.com. Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday.



FN Customer Service Team:
Phone: 1-800-635-1321 ext. 145
E-mail: customerservice@fnamerica.com 
Hours of operation are 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays)